Choral Evensong

Book of Common Prayer, Choral Evensong with the Minster Choir in the Chancel. One Sunday each month when the choir is absent there is either a Service of Healing or Evening Prayer (Said with Hymns)

Food Collection

A collection of Store Cupboard items takes place at The Minster on the first Sunday of every month and is donated to the following charities: January Food Bank February Nigh Shelter March Night Shelter April Food Bank May Night Shelter June Purfleet Trust July Food Bank August Food Bank September Purfleet Trust October Purfleet Trust...

Choral Evensong

Book of Common Prayer, Choral Evensong with the Minster Choir in the Chancel. One Sunday each month when the choir is absent there is either a Service of Healing or Evening Prayer (Said with Hymns)
